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Ok, I just came back from the most unbelievable massage. I mean I left floating if not a little high. The best. She found the source of my back woes in my toes. If you need someone to lay their hands on you and make right what aint. Check Emily Huber out. Here is her email: I swear by her!

Hanifah Walidah, Singer/Songwriter/Musician
Brooklyn NY
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Shake, Rattle and Roll! Shake it out and shake it off Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC
Emily Huber (Body Brain Balance LLC)

Shake, Rattle and Roll! Shake it out and shake it off Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC

Shake it out and shake it off Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC Why shake? What are the benefits? Shaking and vagal toning reroute the nervous system, which quiets the fight or flight response, and engages the prefrontal cortex. This allows us to quickly enter into a restorative state. The next time you feel the need to get unstuck you can “shake it off.” Shaking it off for 2-3 minutes (or any amount) is the fastest way to break the patterns of muscle contraction, and reset your mind and body.  The idea of “shaking it off” is not a metaphor, it's literal. Shaking is like an eraser for the nervous system’s blackboard. Shaking and twitching is the fastest way to bring the nervous system out of sympathetic arousal and back to a parasympathetic restorative state. Shaking is a powerful release that brings the nervous system back to center and into regulation. It enables the muscles to unlock from the contraction pattern initiated during the fight or flight response.  Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~Dalai Lama Emily Huber body brain balance llc Certified NeuroSculpting(R) Facilitator  Michigan State Licensed Massage  Therapist New York State Licensed Massage Therapist Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Reiki Master Registered Yoga Teacher Certified Personal Trainer Certified Master Life Coach and Wellness Coach Cell - 646-259-1451 Email - Website:
Shake Rattle and Roll 2 with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC
Emily Huber (Body Brain Balance LLC)

Shake Rattle and Roll 2 with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC

Shake it out and shake it off Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC Why shake? What are the benefits? Shaking and vagal toning reroute the nervous system, which quiets the fight or flight response, and engages the prefrontal cortex. This allows us to quickly enter into a restorative state. The next time you feel the need to get unstuck you can “shake it off.” Shaking it off for 2-3 minutes (or any amount) is the fastest way to break the patterns of muscle contraction, and reset your mind and body. The idea of “shaking it off” is not a metaphor, it's literal. Shaking is like an eraser for the nervous system’s blackboard. Shaking and twitching is the fastest way to bring the nervous system out of sympathetic arousal and back to a parasympathetic restorative state. Shaking is a powerful release that brings the nervous system back to center and into regulation. It enables the muscles to unlock from the contraction pattern initiated during the fight or flight response. Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~Dalai Lama Emily Huber body brain balance llc Certified NeuroSculpting(R) Facilitator Michigan State Licensed Massage Therapist New York State Licensed Massage Therapist Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Reiki Master Registered Yoga Teacher Certified Personal Trainer Certified Master Life Coach and Wellness Coach Cell - 646-259-1451 Email - Website:
Shake Rattle and Roll 3 with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC
Emily Huber (Body Brain Balance LLC)

Shake Rattle and Roll 3 with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC

Shake it out and shake it off Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC Why shake? What are the benefits? Shaking and vagal toning reroute the nervous system, which quiets the fight or flight response, and engages the prefrontal cortex. This allows us to quickly enter into a restorative state. The next time you feel the need to get unstuck you can “shake it off.” Shaking it off for 2-3 minutes (or any amount) is the fastest way to break the patterns of muscle contraction, and reset your mind and body. The idea of “shaking it off” is not a metaphor, it's literal. Shaking is like an eraser for the nervous system’s blackboard. Shaking and twitching is the fastest way to bring the nervous system out of sympathetic arousal and back to a parasympathetic restorative state. Shaking is a powerful release that brings the nervous system back to center and into regulation. It enables the muscles to unlock from the contraction pattern initiated during the fight or flight response. Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~Dalai Lama Emily Huber body brain balance llc Certified NeuroSculpting(R) Facilitator Michigan State Licensed Massage Therapist New York State Licensed Massage Therapist Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Reiki Master Registered Yoga Teacher Certified Personal Trainer Certified Master Life Coach and Wellness Coach Cell - 646-259-1451 Email - Website:
Vagal Tone with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance!
Emily Huber (Body Brain Balance LLC)

Vagal Tone with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance!

Join Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance in Vagal Toning! A way to reset the nervous system is through vagal toning. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body; it connects the brain to important organs such as the intestines, stomach, heart, and lungs. The vagus nerve is a key part of our parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system. It influences our breathing, digestive function, and heart rate, all of which can impact mental health. “The vagal response reduces stress. It reduces our heart rate and blood pressure. It changes the function of certain parts of the brain, stimulates digestion, all those things that happen when we are relaxed.” — Dr. Mladen Golubic, MD, Medical Director of the Cleveland Clinic. How to tone the vagus nerve: Gargling Humming Singing Making “raspberries” blowing our lips Whistling (They done say whistle while you work for no reason!) To list a few. Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~Dalai Lama Emily Huber body brain balance llc Certified NeuroSculpting(R) Facilitator Michigan State Licensed Massage Therapist New York State Licensed Massage Therapist Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Reiki Master Registered Yoga Teacher Certified Personal Trainer Certified Master Life Coach and Wellness Coach Cell - 646-259-1451 Email - Website: Explore Vagal Toning with Emily Huber
Explore & practice brain gym w/ Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! Brain gym part 1 crawling!
Emily Huber (Body Brain Balance LLC)

Explore & practice brain gym w/ Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! Brain gym part 1 crawling!

Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! One form of Brain Gym practice is to use your non-dominant hand for simple tasks. If you have the ability, consider brushing your teeth, or hair, with the opposite hand, eating with the opposite hand, stirring your beverage with the opposite hand, picking things up with the opposite hand, writing with the opposite hand, or turning a key with the opposite hand. Another form of Brain Gym is simply changing how you do things, I call this oppositional movement. Turn the handle of the mug so you have to reach for it differently, or switch how you cross your legs. Shifting routines works as well; try walking in a different direction. Consider incorporating cross body movements, crossing your midline with your limbs, or doing twists. These simple Brain Gym exercises strengthen our prefrontal cortex. We need to do them often, repetitively, and mindfully for our neural pathways to ingrain new messages, and reverse the unconscious patterns that haven’t served us over the years. Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~Dalai Lama Emily Huber body brain balance llc Certified NeuroSculpting(R) Facilitator Michigan State Licensed Massage Therapist New York State Licensed Massage Therapist Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Reiki Master Registered Yoga Teacher Certified Personal Trainer Certified Master Life Coach and Wellness Coach Cell - 646-259-1451 Email - Website:
Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! Brain Gym Part 2!
Emily Huber (Body Brain Balance LLC)

Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! Brain Gym Part 2!

Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! One form of Brain Gym practice is to use your non-dominant hand for simple tasks. If you have the ability, consider brushing your teeth, or hair, with the opposite hand, eating with the opposite hand, stirring your beverage with the opposite hand, picking things up with the opposite hand, writing with the opposite hand, or turning a key with the opposite hand. Another form of Brain Gym is simply changing how you do things, I call this oppositional movement. Turn the handle of the mug so you have to reach for it differently, or switch how you cross your legs. Shifting routines works as well; try walking in a different direction. Consider incorporating cross body movements, crossing your midline with your limbs, or doing twists.  These simple Brain Gym exercises strengthen our prefrontal cortex. We need to do them often, repetitively, and mindfully for our neural pathways to ingrain new messages, and reverse the unconscious patterns that haven’t served us over the years. Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~Dalai Lama Emily Huber body brain balance llc Certified NeuroSculpting(R) Facilitator  Michigan State Licensed Massage  Therapist New York State Licensed Massage Therapist Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Reiki Master Registered Yoga Teacher Certified Personal Trainer Certified Master Life Coach and Wellness Coach Cell - 646-259-1451 Email - Website:
Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! Brain gym part 3!
Emily Huber (Body Brain Balance LLC)

Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! Brain gym part 3!

Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! One form of Brain Gym practice is to use your non-dominant hand for simple tasks. If you have the ability, consider brushing your teeth, or hair, with the opposite hand, eating with the opposite hand, stirring your beverage with the opposite hand, picking things up with the opposite hand, writing with the opposite hand, or turning a key with the opposite hand. Another form of Brain Gym is simply changing how you do things, I call this oppositional movement. Turn the handle of the mug so you have to reach for it differently, or switch how you cross your legs. Shifting routines works as well; try walking in a different direction. Consider incorporating cross body movements, crossing your midline with your limbs, or doing twists.  These simple Brain Gym exercises strengthen our prefrontal cortex. We need to do them often, repetitively, and mindfully for our neural pathways to ingrain new messages, and reverse the unconscious patterns that haven’t served us over the years. Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~Dalai Lama Emily Huber body brain balance llc Certified NeuroSculpting(R) Facilitator  Michigan State Licensed Massage  Therapist New York State Licensed Massage Therapist Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Reiki Master Registered Yoga Teacher Certified Personal Trainer Certified Master Life Coach and Wellness Coach Cell - 646-259-1451 Email - Website:
Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC!! Brain gym part 4!
Emily Huber (Body Brain Balance LLC)

Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC!! Brain gym part 4!

Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! One form of Brain Gym practice is to use your non-dominant hand for simple tasks. If you have the ability, consider brushing your teeth, or hair, with the opposite hand, eating with the opposite hand, stirring your beverage with the opposite hand, picking things up with the opposite hand, writing with the opposite hand, or turning a key with the opposite hand. Another form of Brain Gym is simply changing how you do things, I call this oppositional movement. Turn the handle of the mug so you have to reach for it differently, or switch how you cross your legs. Shifting routines works as well; try walking in a different direction. Consider incorporating cross body movements, crossing your midline with your limbs, or doing twists. These simple Brain Gym exercises strengthen our prefrontal cortex. We need to do them often, repetitively, and mindfully for our neural pathways to ingrain new messages, and reverse the unconscious patterns that haven’t served us over the years. Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~Dalai Lama Emily Huber body brain balance llc Certified NeuroSculpting(R) Facilitator Michigan State Licensed Massage Therapist New York State Licensed Massage Therapist Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Reiki Master Registered Yoga Teacher Certified Personal Trainer Certified Master Life Coach and Wellness Coach Cell - 646-259-1451 Email - Website:
Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! Bonus Brain Gym!
Emily Huber (Body Brain Balance LLC)

Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! Bonus Brain Gym!

Explore and practice brain gym with Emily Huber from Body Brain Balance LLC! One form of Brain Gym practice is to use your non-dominant hand for simple tasks. If you have the ability, consider brushing your teeth, or hair, with the opposite hand, eating with the opposite hand, stirring your beverage with the opposite hand, picking things up with the opposite hand, writing with the opposite hand, or turning a key with the opposite hand. Another form of Brain Gym is simply changing how you do things, I call this oppositional movement. Turn the handle of the mug so you have to reach for it differently, or switch how you cross your legs. Shifting routines works as well; try walking in a different direction. Consider incorporating cross body movements, crossing your midline with your limbs, or doing twists.  These simple Brain Gym exercises strengthen our prefrontal cortex. We need to do them often, repetitively, and mindfully for our neural pathways to ingrain new messages, and reverse the unconscious patterns that haven’t served us over the years. Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~Dalai Lama Emily Huber body brain balance llc Certified NeuroSculpting(R) Facilitator  Michigan State Licensed Massage  Therapist New York State Licensed Massage Therapist Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Reiki Master Registered Yoga Teacher Certified Personal Trainer Certified Master Life Coach and Wellness Coach Cell - 646-259-1451 Email - Website:

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note: we are not accepting walk-ins at this time

809 Lester Ave, Suite B

Saint Joseph, MI 49085

Tel: 646 - 259 - 1451


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© 2019 - 2022 by BodyBrainBalance LLC and Seeing Through the Hands Studio

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