massage + positional therapy
Therapeutic Bodywork: Working with you through massage therapy and positional therapy to rehabilitate injuries. Tending to the body's alignment to prevent injuries. Helping to facilitate relaxation. Inviting and encouraging more breath oxygen and blood flow in the body, mind and spirit.
individual session
60 min
90 min
120 min
partner sessions
60 min
90 min
120 min
INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS: MASSAGE MODALITIES: Pre Natal and Post Natal Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Massage, Sports Massage, Medical Massage, Chair Massage, Reflexology, Myofascial, Trigger Point, Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Reiki and Energy Work
PARTNER SESSIONS: MASSAGE MODALITIES: Partner Massage, Partner Positional Therapy
neurosculpting® + yoga + personal training
A physical and mental practice engaging the mind, body and spirit. We will find your edge, go to your edge, but not pass it. Focusing on alignment, breathwork, strength and flexibility training, endurance building, core building, maintaining and slackening. Focusing on building and gaining tools for mental and physical entrainment. Creating new pathways in the body and brain.
private + semi-private lessons
(1-8 people)
80 min
90 min
120 min
scheduled group classes - neurosculpting®, meditation, yoga, brain gym
60 min
90 min
120 min
NEUROSCULPTING®: “NeuroSculpting® is a 5-step meditation process that can strategically help an individual release the grip of old patterns and entrain their brain to create new and more supportive patterns, habits and behaviors.” Lisa Wimberger, neurosculptinginstitute.com
TRAINING: Strength Training, Flexibility Training, Endurance Training, Core Building, Alignment Awareness Building
YOGA OFFERINGS: Hatha Yoga, Children's Yoga, Meridian Yoga, Hula Hooping, CircusYoga
NeuroSculpting® is a 5-step meditation process that can strategically help an individual release the grip of old patterns and entrain their brain to create new and more supportive patterns, habits and behaviors.
Come alone or bring your friends and we’ll create a class specific to your needs. Or have your children bring their friends and we’ll create a class specifically catered to them!
wellness coaching
Life coaching and wellness coaching can be done on the phone on FaceTime/Skype/Zoom or in person. I am a container, a witness to you and your process. I listen to what’s going on for your mind, body, and spirit and help you navigate to make choices that enable you to vibrate on your highest level and live your best life possible.
wellness coaching
60 min
90 min
120 min
There are a few products that I either offer myself, or through a third party. Check them out below and let me know if you have any questions.
young living oils

The easiest, most cost effective way for my clients to get the diffuser and oils that I use in my bodywork is to use my account. With me as your sponsor there is a 24% savings on Young Living’s retail prices. You can ask me to email you more information, or click LEARN MORE to purchase now.
Sliding scale and other offers are available. If the above pricing would cause a financial hardship, please see our sliding scale.
other offers
buy 10 sessions
get 11th free
refer a friend
$10 off
first session
$10 off
enrolled students
$10 off all sessions
Frequently Asked Questions About Brain Body Balance Services and Other Things
Here are a few questions I get asked a lot.
What is NeuroSculpting®?
What Does a Private NeuroSculpting® Session Look Like?
What Do Group NeuroSculpting® Classes Look Like?
What Does a Combination NeuroSculpting®, Yoga, and Brain Gym, Class Look Like?
What Therapeutic Massage Modalities Do You Work in?
What is Thai Yoga Massage? What does a Thai Yoga Massage Look Like?
What Are Your Yoga Offerings?
What Are Your Personal Training Offerings?
How Is Hula-Hooping Beneficial?
What Is Meridian Yoga?
What Is Positional Therapy?
What Is a Partner Positional Therapy Class?
What Is a Partner Massage Class?
What Is a Partner Yoga Class?
What Are the Children's Yoga Group Classes?
What Does a Wellness Coaching Session Look Like?
What Is Reiki? What Does a Reiki Session Look Like?
How Do I Become a Reiki Practitioner with You? Can You Attune Me?
What is NeuroSculpting®?
NeuroSculpting® is a full brain approach combining mindfulness, meditation, and brain science.
“NeuroSculpting® is a 5-step meditation process that can strategically help an individual release the grip of old patterns and entrain their brain to create new and more supportive patterns, habits and behaviors.” Lisa Wimberger, neurosculptinginstitute.com
What Does a Private NeuroSculpting® Session Look Like?
The first thing we’ll do together is discuss and assess your needs. Then we’ll create a meditation that is specific to you, and your story. There is no wrong way to be in this practice. I will offer suggestions; you can take them, or adapt them to whatever works for you. It takes repetition to create a new story which can compete with the ones we’ve invested in over the years. This is why NeuroSculpting® is not built around having a certain amount of time to set aside for quiet meditation. It’s designed to be a tool you can access at any time, in any place, throughout your day. By the end of our session you’ll have created access points that enable you to reference the meditation in your everyday life.
What Do Group NeuroSculpting® Classes Look Like?
In a group NeuroSculpting® meditation class I will guide the class through the 5-step meditation process, with scripts that allow each participant to insert their own story based on their own needs.
What Does a Combination NeuroSculpting®, Yoga, and Brain Gym, Class Look Like?
These group classes combines brain science, mindfulness, and meditation with physical movement. NeuroSculpting® meditations, yoga asanas, and brain gym exercises work in support of each other, and entwine together to create an optimal mind, body, and spirit practice.
Which Therapeutic Massage modalities do you work in?
Pre Natal and Post Natal Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Massage, Sports Massage, Medical Massage, Chair Massage, Reflexology, Myofascial, Trigger Point, Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Positional Therapy, Reiki and Energy Work.
What is Thai Yoga Massage? What does a Thai Yoga Massage session look like?
Thai Massage is done on a mat with clothes on. Please wear comfortable clothing.
Thai Massage or Thai Yoga Massage is a traditional healing system combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures. Thai Yoga Massage is a movement practice for both the therapist and the client. Thai massage, or Thai Yoga massage, uses pressure and stretching techniques to rehabilitate injuries, tend to the body's alignment and prevent injuries. These techniques help to facilitate relaxation by inviting and encouraging more oxygen and blood flow in the body. Traditionally, Thai Massage sessions are usually two to three hours. Body Brain Balance offers an hour and half Thai Yoga Massage session in the hopes of encouraging folks to fit Thai Yoga Massage into their busy schedules, and experience its incredible results.
What are your Yoga offerings?
Prenatal Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Children's Yoga, CircusYoga, Meridian Yoga, Partner Yoga.
What are your Personal Training Offerings?
Strength Training, Flexibility Training, Endurance Training, Core Building, Alignment Awareness Building.
How is Hula Hooping beneficial?
Great news! Hula Hooping is not just a pastime for kids. The Hula Hoops are weighted and have a special tape that sticks to you slightly, allowing you to maintain the hula hooping for longer. Hooping helps build core strength, and a strong core supports all your daily activities. Hula Hooping develops core muscles such as the transverse abdominals and the obliques, and it's good for your legs, glutes and arms. Hula Hooping is also a great form of cardio exercise and a fun way to achieve your workout goals!
What is Meridian Yoga?
Meridian Yoga is a combination of Yoga Poses, Hands On Assistance, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), Breath Work, Shiatsu and Thai Massage. Inventor Daniel Orlansky says, "Meridian Yoga opens the pathways that allow prana to flow throughout the body and helps bring harmony, lightness and joy to one's entire being."
What is Positional Therapy?
Positional Therapy is a Physical Therapy Technique, which some call a "Magic-Technique." In Positional Therapy, the hips are considered the foundation of good body alignment. When the hips aren’t aligned, people often feel it in the neck and shoulders first. Squaring off the hips can correct the alignment of the entire body.
Positional Therapy consists of two parts, a muscle energy technique, and a strain and counter strain technique. The muscle energy work deals with assisted stretching and resisting. Strain and counter strain works with the tender points of the body, bringing the origin of the muscle to the insertion of the muscle. This slackens the muscle, relaxes the tender points and releases them, thereby correcting the body's imbalances to improve movement, alignment and health. Positional Therapy is easy to learn and maintain on your own.
What is a Partner Positional Therapy Class?
Partner Positional Therapy is a private tutorial for individuals with a partner or a friend. I will teach safe Positional Therapy techniques: Muscles Energy Technique as well as Strain and Counter Strain. These techniques are simple to learn and work wonders for the recipient while protecting the practitioner from fatigue and injury. This is a beneficial way to incorporate a different kind of touch and healing into your wellness regime.
What is a Partner Massage Class?
Partner Massage is a private tutorial for you and your partner or friend. Through safe, relaxing, deep massage, I will teach techniques that are easy to do and that feel good to your partner. We will go through ways to give a healing and deep massage while protecting your body from fatigue and injury. Partner massage is a beneficial way to incorporate touch and healing into your lives.
What is a Partner Yoga Class?
Partner Yoga is a private tutorial for you and your partner or a friend. I will teach partners to help each other go deeper into the yoga poses, either as a partner in the poses, or as an assistant. This class builds trust, opens energy, and builds strength, and flexibility. It’s a practice that focuses on being rooted to the earth while lengthening to the sky, with playful energy, connection and alignment. Partner Yoga encourages both parties to go deeper in their practice.
What are Children's Yoga, Brain Gym Group Classes?
Create your own class. Gather 3 to 7 of your child's friends and pick a time. This class is catered to groups of children ages 4-6, 6-8, or 8-10 years old. We will use this time to start building muscles, increasing flexibility, and stability. We’ll work with cross body and oppositional movements which strengthens neural pathways in the brain, helping children become sharper and smarter. We will work with shaking and vagal toning which regulates and resets the nervous system quieting the fight flight or freeze response. Children’s yoga, brain gym class, improves health, and boosts immunity and healing. Children will become more comfortable and confident in their bodies, increase their self-esteem and confidence and learn important relaxation tools. And, it's lots of fun!​
What does Wellness Coaching look like?
Wellness coaching can be done in person, on the phone, or online via FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom. I am a witness to you and your process. I listen to what’s going on for your mind, body and spirit. I offer suggestions to help you make choices that enable you to vibrate on your highest level, and live your best life possible.
What is Reiki? What does a Reiki session look like?
The word Reiki combines the Japanese and Chinese word-characters of “rei" (spiritual or supernatural) and "ki" (vital energy). Reiki therapy works with symbols that offer health and healing properties. It is often described as “palm healing” or “hands-on-body healing” since the practitioner lightly places their hands on, or over, the recipient to facilitate the process of clearing and healing.
Reiki is done fully clothed on the massage table. I will place my hands on your body and work strategically with symbols, and energy, to help release physical and energetic blockages, and help restore balance to the body, mind and spirit.
How do I become a Reiki Practitioner with you? Can you attune me?
If you would like to become a Reiki practitioner it would be my honor and pleasure to attune you.
A Reiki attunement connects the receiver in an increased way to chi.
“The attunement (initiation) is not a healing session -it creates the healer. An attunement is given one on one in which the master passes down the gift of Reiki. The Reiki master opens the chakras of the receiver and draws the symbols associated with the Reiki over the chakras. This ritual doesn’t give the receiver anything new, it opens and aligns what was already there. It’s like plugging in a lamp in a house already wired for electricity. “ Diane Stein, Essential Reiki.
The main purpose of Reiki One is self-healing. I will guide you in the learning of the hand positions to work on yourself. Self-healing sessions are important as it cleanses the body of toxins. The energy of the body adjusts and your ability to channel it increases. Reiki One is also for healing others directly. You will learn hand positions for facilitating healing for others as well.
The Reiki Two attunement measurably increases the amount of healing energy and focuses upon emotional, mental and karmic healing in the person who receives it. The transition can take about six months. The tools for doing distance healing are also learned. Three of the Reiki symbols are introduced and used consciously for the first time. In Reiki one, the symbols are already in the healer's aura and they are used unconsciously through the hands during healing. In Reiki Two you consciously direct the symbols' energies.
Reiki Three is the master's/teacher's degree. The Reiki Three practitioner experiences a further increase in channeling healing energy. Reiki Three includes two more symbols and the method of passing attunements.